Saturday 7 November 2015

Our sense of humour deteriorates with age :P

I did my engineering in Bangalore from PESIT. Bangalore is a modern city and has a pretty open culture and people from different parts of the world come here for higher studies or do some job. My college was awesome and the students added more to the awesomeness of our college.
I gelled up pretty well with the folks and stayed in hostel there. Apart from studies, we participated in every freaking activity that happened in or out of campus. Be it cricket or be it introduction of our juniors or simply sitting on the stairs and checking out every girl that use to pass by and comment "Bhabhi hai tum logo ki".
One such activity was PJ (Poor Joke) competition. Me and Avinash Chandrashekar use to crack up deadly pjs and to our surprise, we had a huge fan following. We use to gather near the bus after the college around 3:30 PM and crack some killer pjs or mock a faculty or tease a fellow colleague. Everyone use to enjoy this including the person who was being targeted (I am assuming this !).
Me and AC (That's what people called him fondly !) use to ask some stupid questions to any random people and wait for their baffled look. Some were really sporty and gave us some really smart answers while those who were not that sporty hurled abuses and curses on us. As time passed, we became smart and choosy as whom to ask such stupid questions and wait for their smart answers. After the answer we were in splits after a moment pause. We really enjoyed this.
Time passes faster than we expect. We graduated out of college and are unaware of the whereabouts of many of our folks. Even now if we recollect the memories and see old photos, i realize that its been four years I visited my college. But the memories are so fresh like it happened yesterday. Best of all is that the pj thing in me never died. It still come up with some stupid and unexpected answers whenever I get a chance. I sometimes crack it when we are having some serious discussion with my lead in the meeting room and he feels pretty annoyed with it. Although, my manager smiles at it as if he enjoyed it. Whenever my lead tells him of some answers I said in the meeting, he looks at me with some amazed expression and asks "Did you seriously tell her that ?". The only thing that changed is that few people appreciate it now. I guess as we grow up, our sense of humor decreases or we feel shy to laugh like a kid. 

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